From 2005 year Bank Pekao is helping in every year to Zachodniopomorskie Towarzystwo Przyrodnicze in keeping wild living herd of european bison in West Pomerania. Funds from the Bank serves for example for feeding animals and rent bigger meadows area for herd. Regular suport from the Bank Pekao gives us sense of safety in realization our goals and let us look ahead in bright colours. Consequence and engagement of our donator in protecion of that species is an example to follow and indicate about  keeping right social responsibility.

Nadleśnictwo Drawsko

Forestry management Drawsko is located in south ? central part of West Pomerania.  Forests of Forestry menagement  Drawsko are concentrated in one complex around military training ground. On this zone are located areas of protected lanscape ?Pojezierze Drawskie? and also Nature 2000 area, zones of rare birds protection and nature monuments.  Since 2008 on area of Forestry menagement Drawsko there is free european bisons herd which are in good shape because of cooperation between Drawsko foresters and Zachodniopomorskie Towarzystwo Przyrodnicze workers.

Nadle??nictwo Rokita

Forests of Forestry menagement Rokita are in north part of Puszcza Goleniowska. In humid climate on rich soil are growing rich in species pine-beech forests. There is also the biggest population of yew-tree (Taxus baccata L.). Environmental richness of Rokita`s forests makes that there are six forests preserves. On that area is european bison which came there from herd in Forestry menagement Drawsko. Forestry menagement Rokita is in touch with Zachodzniopomorskie Towarzystwo Przyrodnicze workers and helps to Dzika Zagroda.


Trade Park ?Młyn? is located in Wrocław ? Dolnoslaskie Province. Occupy area 10 607 m2 and include 9 shops. In 2014 thanks to the owner of Helical Poland, Trade Park sponsored first enclose for lynxes (Lynx lynx lynx) in Dzika Zagroda.